Laurea Magistrale/Master Degree
Structure of the Master Degree
The Master Degree in Mathematical Engineering belongs to the LM-44 Class (Mathematical-Physical Modeling for Engineering). This Class is not included in the traditional Engineering Classes, those existing before the so-called "3+2 reform." Consequently, the Master Degree in Mathematical Engineering does not grant access to either the Italian State Examinations or the Italian Professional Orders for Section A. However, it should be clarified that the School does not consider this aspect to be a limiting factor for the placement, progression, and professional growth of graduates in Mathematical Engineering.
The Master Degree in Mathematical Engineering is structured over two years and covers 120 CFU (Crediti Formativi Universitari). Below are listed the possible study paths. For complete and detailed information, please refer to the Educational Rules [ENG], the legal norms regarding the LM-44 class, and other official documents of the Polytechnic.
The Course of Studies Council (CCS) proposes four Pre-Approved Study Plans (PSPA), which confer different specializations (Majors) to the student:
- PSPA MCS - Computational Science and Computational Learning
- PSPA MST - Statistical Learning
- PSPA MMF - Quantitative Finance
- PSPA MQE - Quantum Engineering
For the study plans of the four PSPA, please refer to the Educational Rules [ENG].
In addition to the four PSPA, and to autonomous plans, the CCS proposes Authorized Autonomous Paths (PAA) and Double Master's Degree programs (DLM), Internal DLM programs, and International DLM programs.
Each PAA focuses on a specific application sector and provides the student with a further level of specialization beyond the Major reference. The PAA are designed for students admitted without constraints in the curriculum choices for the Master's Degree in Mathematical Engineering: in this case, although they are autonomous study plans, their approval by the dedicated CCS Commission is certain.
International DLM programs are programs agreed upon with foreign university locations that provide both the Politecnico di Milano Master's Degree and a foreign title. In particular, two international DLMs have been designed specifically for Mathematical Engineering. These programs involve a part of the training path carried out abroad and have limited access.
These are the alternative paths proposed:
- PAA AQE - Advanced Quantum Engineering
- PAA DEC - Methods and Models for the Decision Making
- PAA ELN - Computational Models in Electronics and Biomathematics
- PAA GEO - Computational Models in Geosciences
- PAA INS - Insurance
- PAA MoDA - Modeling and Data Analysis
- PAA NUC - Mathematical and Physical Modeling for Nuclear Applications
- PAA STR - Computational Structural Mechanics
Study plans can be complemented with an internship experience and/or an international experience, such as participating in short courses, attending courses and passing exams for a semester (typically the ERASMUS program), conducting the Master thesis, obtaining a double degree, etc. An overview of the possibilities offered by the University can be found HERE, and a list of international exchange agreements including ERASMUS, bilateral agreements, and double degree programs for the Master's Degree in Mathematical Engineering can be found HERE.
Admission to the Master's Degree is subject to an evaluation process aimed at assessing the suitability of the candidate. This process, in accordance with existing regulations (D.M. 22/10/2004 n. 270 art. 6 paragraph 2 and D.M. of 16/3/2007, art. 6 paragraph 1), is based on curriculum requirements and the verification of the adequacy of the student's preparation. Admission to the Master's Degree will be decided indisputably by an Evaluation Committee established for this purpose by the Course of Studies Council. For students holding a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering obtained at the Politecnico di Milano, purely indicative, the following table lists the curriculum integrations that may be required, depending on the undergraduate degree held and the chosen master's path: