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Double Degrees


Double degree program between Politecnico di Milano and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

Basic Information

Target students

Highly motivated and talented PoliMi students at the 1st year of the MSc in Mathematical Engineering, track in Computational Science and Computational Learning.

The degrees awarded are the Master of Science in Mathematical Engineering (PoliMi) (orientation in Computational Science and Computational Learning) and the MSc in Science et Ingénierie Computationnelles (EPFL)


The participant spends the first year at PoliMi, with the students in Mathematical Engineering with orientation Computational Science and Computational Learning (MCS), and continues the second year at EPFL, where he or she joins the second year students in the regular CSE program.

  • First year at Politecnico di Milano, 56 ECTS
  • Summer Internship, 8 ECTS (at least 8 weeks outside academia)
  • Second year at EPFL, 56 ECTS
  • Master project at one institution, with a co-supervisors from the other one, 30 ECTS

Application process

Interested students have to fill out the application for the participation in double degree projects during the first year of enrollment in the MSc in Mathematical Engineering, track in Computational Science and Computational Learning. The maximum number of PoliMi students that can be admitted every year to the exchange is set at five. Usually the call is open during the month of December. 


Local rules for exams and credits apply at each institution.

Financial Matters

The host institution (EPFL) engages to help students in their incoming procedures and in obtaining the same facilities foreseen for their students and/or scholarships. All travel and accomodation costs will be covered by the students. The student participating in the exchange will only pay tuition fees at his/her institution of origin (PoliMi).


First year, PoliMi, Mathematical Engineering, 56 ECTS

Six courses in “MSc, Computational Science and Computational Learning” from the following table:

Courses in Milan



Algorithms and parallel computing



Real and functional analysis



Numerical analysis of partial differential equations



Advanced programming for scientific computing



(+) Fluids Labs



Advanced partial differential equations



(*) Computational fluid dynamics



(*) Mathematical and physical modelling in engineering




(+) Please note that Fluids Labs, which is normally proposed at second year, must be anticipated to first year.

(*) optional.

Nominally, EPFL will validate 1 project of 8 ECTS, 14 ECTS in the core block, and 4 ECTS in the first and second application groups (total 26 ECTS). The grade obtained for these courses is “R” (réussi, i.e. pass without grade).

Summer internship, 8 ECTS

The internship is managed by EPFL and the credits are validated only at EPFL.
Period of the internship: three possible choices:
• 8 weeks (at least) in the Summer between PoliMi and EPFL
• 8 weeks (at least) in the Summer after one year at EPFL, before Master project (which start middle of September)
• One semester after one year at EPFL. This means that the student takes a leave during the semester.
It is not possible to replace this internship with a semester project at EPFL

Second year, EPFL, Computational Science and Computational Learning, 56 ECTS



Block 1:  Core Courses


Group 2: Optional courses from Lists A, B, C, D. Choose 3 lists : 26

               List A, Computational methods based on differential equations

at least 8

               List B, Computational methods based on discrete systems

at least 8

               List C, Numerical methods, algorithms, high performance systems

at least 8

               List D, Data science

at least 8

Groupe 1: Semester projects + SHS

 8 + 6

Mutually exclusive courses. Due to the overlapping subjects, the following courses can not be taken at EPFL: Advanced numerical analysis, Introduction to the finite elements method, Numerical analysis and computational mathematics, Programming concepts in scientific computing.

Nominally, PoliMi validates 52 ECTS in total. The grades obtained at EPFL are converted into equivalent grades at PoliMi.

Master Project

The master project is managed by EPFL or PoliMi, depending on the student’s registration.
There are two advisors, one from EPFL and one from PoliMi. The project can be done at any of the two institutions. It has to be done in the time window open by EPFL. For EPFL/PoliMi, the professor from PoliMi/EPFL acts as expert. It must be written in English and defended orally, either at one of the Universities and in video conference at the other one, or, if both parties agree, separately at the two Institutions.
For the EPFL program, the Master project counts for 30 ECTS. It lasts 17 weeks.
Out of it 12 ECTS will count as Master project ("Final Work") at PoliMi.

Master Degree

The double program represents a total of 150 ETCS, although each institution recognizes a maximum of 120 ECTS.
The master degree is given after the validation of the ECTS above. The usual duration of the studies is 5 semesters.
The Politecnico di Milano gives the Master degree
“Ingegneria Matematica con orientamento alle scienze computazionali”;
EPFL gives the master degree
“Computational Science and Computational Learning”.

If one student does not fulfill the requirements of one institution, he will not receive the degree from that institution. To obtain the double degree, a student has to obtain the credits described in this document. It is not possible to compensate credits missed in one institution by exams in the other institutions.


EPFL: MER Simone Deparis, Deputy of the MSc in Computational Science and Computational Learning, Prof. Assyr Abdulle, Director of the MSc in Computational Science and Computational Learning, Sara Frulloni, Assistant
PoliMi: Prof.ssa Anna Paganoni, Coordinator of the Mathematical Engineering Master Program, Prof. Lorenzo Valdettaro, academic responsible for exchange mobility.


Current CSE study plan at EPFL and link to double degree site at EPFL
Current Mathematical Engineering MCS study plan at PoliMi and link to double degree site at Politecnico di Milano


Double degree program between Politecnico di Milano and École Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique pour l'Industrie et l'Entreprise (ENSIIE)

Basic Informations for PoliMI students

Nature of the exchange

Highly motivated and talented PoliMi students at the 1st year of the MSc in Mathematical Engineering, track in Applied Statistics or Quantitative Finance.
The degrees awarded are the "Master of Science in Mathematical Engineering" (PoliMi) (orientation in Applied Statistics or Quantitative Finance) and the "Diplôme d'Ingénieur ENSIIE" (ENSIIE). Furthermore, like ENSIIE students, they may equally be able to apply for a double degree Ingénieur/Master programme at ENSIIE. The master programme may concern either parcours Mathématiques du vivant, Ingénierie Statistique et Génomique or parcours Mathématiques Financières, Ingénierie et Finance. In that case, they may obtain both the "Diplôme d'Ingénieur ENSIIE" and the "Master degree of University Paris-Saclay", at ENSIEE.

Application process

Interested students have to fill out the application for the participation in double degree projects during the first year of enrollment in the MSc in Mathematical Engineering, track in Applied Statistics or Quantitative Finance. The maximum number of PoliMI students that can be admitted every year to the exchange is set at five. The students should have a good knowledge of English, therefore they have to get at least 785 points at the TOEIC test.
Usually the call is open during the month of October. 

Financial Matters

The host institution (ENSIIE) engages to help students in their incoming procedures and in obtaining the same facilities foreseen for their students and/or scholarships.
All travel and accomodation costs will be covered by the students.
The student participating in the exchange will only pay tuition fees at his/her institution of origin (PoliMI).


Students of PoliMI who have been admitted to the double degree program follow the first year program of the "Mathematical Engineering, study plan MSc - orientation in Applied Statistics or Quantitative Finance" at PoliMI. 
After having been admitted to the second year of studies, they are entitled to continue their curriculum at ENSIIE.
A minimum of 120 ECTS credits is required for the student to be awarded the degree of the institution of origin.
A minimum of 150 ECTS credits is required from each student to be awarded  the double degree.
Students shall produce a final thesis which shall be presented at both institutions.


Double degree program between Politecnico di Milano and Sorbonne Université

Basic Informations for PoliMI students

Nature of the exchange

The double degree program enables students who were admitted and registered into the mathematical engineering Master program at PoliMi, with the orientation of Computational Science and Computational Learning, and those admitted to the Master program at Sorbonne Université with “Mention Mathématiques et Applications – Parcours Mathématiques de la modélisation” or “Sciences pour l’Ingénieur - Parcours Computational Mechanics”, to apply to the other University and follow a specific curriculum in order to fulfill all requirements for a double degree. Upon admittance at the institution of origin, the students may apply to the double degree program, in which case they have to prepare an additional dossier for the admissions committee of the other institution. Students initially admitted at PoliMi have to apply for the French Master ‘s degree with Mention Mathématiques et Applications (Mathematics program at Sorbonne Université) or the French Master ‘s degree with Mention Sciences pour l’Ingénieur (Mechanics program at Sorbonne Université).

Students who are admitted into the double degree program are registered as regular students in the institution where they follow the semester curriculum.

The degrees awarded are the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to a Master of Science) in Mathematical Engineering (PoliMi) (orientation in Computational Science for Engineering) and the Master de Sciences et technologies (Sorbonne Université). The degree Master de Sciences et technologies (Sorbonne Université) will be either with the Mention Mathématiques et Applications for the student enrolled in Mathematics Programs at Sorbonne Université or with the Mention Sciences pour l’Ingénieur for the students enrolled in the Mechanics program at Sorbonne Université.

Curriculum and Program structure

To be admitted in the double degree curriculum, applicants have to fulfil the following minimal requirements:

  • Students who have been admitted to the double degree program follow the first year program of the “Mathematical Engineering, study plan Laurea Magistrale - MSc – orientation in Computational Science and Computational Learning” at PoliMi. Because of this requirement, students who were admitted to Sorbonne Université must apply for the double degree program before the start of their studies, while students who were admitted to PoliMi can apply for the double degree program at the end of the first semester of studies.
  • After having successfully obtained a minimum of 60 ECTS credits at PoliMi, the students admitted to the double degree program will continue their studies at Sorbonne Université. They will take a full year of courses either in the master Mathématiques de la Modélisation or in the master Computational mechanics and are required to also obtain a minimum of 60 ECTS credits. At the conclusion of the course work, all examination criteria of both universities must be satisfied.
  • The Master thesis (end-of-study project) may be undertaken in a laboratory at one of the Universities or in a company. It is supervised by a team of two Faculty members, one from each institution. The final Master thesis must be written in English and defended orally at both Universities.

Credits earned for course work and internship are transferred between the institutions Master projects are managed by Sorbonne Université or PoliMi, depending on student’s institution of origin.

A minimum of 120 ECTS credits is required for the student to be awarded the degree of the institution of origin.

A minimum of 150 ECTS credits is required from each student to be awarded  the double degree.

Double degree students initially enrolled at Sorbonne Université, after obtaining the Master de Sciences et technologies from Sorbonne Université, will be awarded the Laurea Magistrale, equivalent to the Master of Science in Mathematical Engineering of PoliMi.

Double degree students initially enrolled at PoliMi, after obtaining a Master of Science in Mathematical Engineering of PoliMi, will be awarded the Master de Sciences et technologies (Sorbonne Université).

Financial Matters

The host institution facilitates the arrival of the students and makes all existing services and study grants available (if applicable). All students will cover accommodation and travel costs as well as costs related to insurances and visa.

The student enrolled in the double degree program:

  • will only pay tuition fees at his/her institution of origin for the whole duration of the program. The host university must apply a fee waiver.
  • have to apply for and obtain the appropriate visa (host institution to provide necessary institutional documents);
  • have to apply for and obtain appropriate insurance :

Students are required to adhere to mandatory health insurance including a repatriation insurance in accordance with local rules

Students must provide appropriate civil liability insurance in accordance with local rules.

Organization and Procedure

Candidates are primarily selected on the basis of a written application. Both institutions will call on their usual admission committee to make the selection. A student applying for the double degree will have to be admitted by both institutions.

The selection process is based on student’s academic records and background (previous studies and obtained diploma), the motivation letter and the letters of references. Each institution set up its internal objective criteria for the selection.

Both parties will be responsible for ensuring that their students are fully informed of the exchange options. To this end, the parties agree to exchange the documents that are necessary to inform their students about the study programs at the partner institution.

Each party shall appoint a representative who is responsible for implementing the objectives stipulated in this Agreement.

Each year a maximum of 5 students per Institution will be admitted in the program. Each party shall aim to have similar numbers of participating students. The program will be reviewed annually by the two institutions to examine possible inequities in the number of participating students.

Each party shall provide advice to the other party whenever necessary. Both parties will communicate at least once a year to discuss further developments.


Double degree program between Politecnico di Milano and École Normale Supérieure de Lyon - University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL)

Basic Informations for PoliMi students

Nature of the exchange

Highly motivated and talented PoliMi students at the 1st year of the MSc in Mathematical Engineering, track in Computational Science and Computational Learning.
The degrees awarded are the "Master of Science in Mathematical Engineering" (PoliMi) (orientation in Computational Science and Computational Learning) and the "Diplôme de Master Sciences de la Matière" (ENS de Lyon-UCBL).

Application process

Interested students have to fill out the application for the participation in double degree projects during the first year of enrollment in the MSc in Mathematical Engineering, track in Computational Science and Computational Learning.
Usually the call is open during the month of December. 

Language level required

The program is taught in English and French at ENS de Lyon-UCBL. The language level recommended in English is B1 and in French is B2.


Students of PoliMi who have been admitted to the double degree program follow the first year program of the "Mathematical Engineering, study plan MSc - orientation in Computational Science and Computational Learning" at PoliMi.  They are required to achieve at least 60 CFU.
After having been admitted to the second year of studies, they are entitled to continue their curriculum at ENS Lyon in the Master "Sciences de la Matière (SdM) - Physics & Chemistry". After having spended the second year in Lyon and fulfilled 60 ECTS they have two options:

Third year - option A
First semester in Lyon:
24 ECTS standard M2-S3 SdM courses
Second semester in Milan:
standard LM2-S4 semester at PoliMi
16 ECTS courses
12 ECTS Master thesis

Third year - option B
First semester in Milano:
standard LM2-S3 semester at PoliMi
24 ECTS courses
Second semester in Lyon:
30 ECTS "Stage Long" in Lab

To deliver PoliMi master degree (120 credits ECTS), 30 ECTS credits will be recognized among the 90 credits awarded by ENS de Lyon-UCBL.
To deliver ENS de Lyon/UCBL master degree (120 credits ECTS), 30 ECTS credits will be recognized among the 90 credits awarded by PoliMi.