fluid-structure interaction

scientific coordinator: Filippo Gazzola


The goal is to address key questions concerning the behavior of fluids in interaction with complex structures, like the stability of both the fluid and the structure or optimal position and shape optimization of the structure within the fluid, by theoretical and computer-assisted methods.



  • E. Bocchi, Á. Castro, F. Gancedo, "Global-in-time estimates for the 2D one-phase Muskat problem with contact points", preprint arXiv:2502.19286 [math.AP]
  • D. Basaric, F. Oschmann, J. Pan, "Qualitative derivation of a density dependent incompressible Darcy law", preprint arXiv:2502.14602 [math.AP]
  • A. Falocchi, F. Gazzola, "Blow-up of a modified ODEs system arising from the Galerkin approximation of some Navier-Stokes equations", preprint Research Gate;
  • M. Garrione, F. Gazzola, E. Pastorino, "Unpredictable behavior of a partially damped system of PDEs modeling suspension bridges", preprint Research Gate;
  • A. Abbatiello, D. Basaric, N. Chaudhuri, E. Feireisl, "Local existence and conditional regularity for the Navier-Stokes-Fourier system driven by inhomogeneous boundary conditions", preprint arXiv:2409.13459 [math.AP];
  • G. Arioli, A. Falocchi, F. Gazzola, "New tools for detecting the epochs of irregularity of Leray-Hopf solutions to some 3D Navier-Stokes equations", preprint Research Gate;
  • L. Berselli, A. Falocchi, R. Sannipoli, "On a 3D Stokes eigenvalue problem under Navier slip-with-friction boundary conditions and applications to Navier-Stokes equations", preprint arXiv:2407.07496 [math.AP];
  • L. Bisconti, M. Caggio, F. Dell’Oro, "Vanishing viscosity limit for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations with non-linear density dependent viscosity", preprint arXiv:2406.17478 [math.AP];
  • D. Bonheure, G.P. Galdi, F. Gazzola, "Flow-induced Oscillations via Hopf Bifurcation in a Fluid-Solid Interaction Problem", preprint arXiv:2406.04198 [math.AP];
  • F. Gazzola, J. Neustupa, G. Sperone, "On the planar Taylor-Couette system and related exterior problems", preprint Research Gate;
  • C. Patriarca, G. Sperone, "Homogenization of Leray's flux problem for the steady-state Navier-Stokes equations in a multiply-connected planar domain", preprint arXiv:2312.00945 [math.AP].
  • A. Abbatiello, D. Basaric, N. Chaudhuri, "On a blow-up criterion for the Navier-Stokes-Forurier system under general equations of state", Nonlinear Anal. RWA 84, 104328, 2025;
  • M. Akil, F. Dell’Oro, G. Fragnelli, V. Régnier and A. Soufyane, "Asymptotic behavior of the equivalent Timoshenko linear beam model used in the analysis of tower buildings", Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 76, 40, 2025; 
  • E. Bocchi, F. Gazzola, "A measure for the stability of structures immersed in a 2D laminar flow", Boll. Unione Mat. Ital. 18, 49-63, 2025;
  • M. Conti, P. Galimberti, S. Gatti, A. Giorgini, "New results for the Cahn-Hilliard equation with non-degenerate mobility: well-posedness and longtime behavior", Calc. Var. 64, 87, 2025;
  • F. Dell’Oro, L. Liverani, V. Pata, R. Quintanilla, "Global attractors for Moore-Gibson-Thompson thermoelastic extensible beams and Berger plates", Nonlinear Anal. RWA 84, 104298, 2025; 
  • A. Falocchi, J. Webster, "Analysis of a nonlinear fish-bone model for suspension bridges with rigid hangers in the presence of flow effects", Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 45(7), 2241-2280, 2025;
  • M. Garrione, F. Zanolin, "Rich Dynamics for a Model Arising in the Study of Suspension Bridges", J. Nonlinear Sci. 35, 11, 2025;
  • P. Baldi, F. Giuliani, M. Guardia, E. Haus, "Effective chaos for the Kirchhoff equation on tori", Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré C Anal. Non Linéaire online (2024);
  • D. Basaric, N. Chaudhuri, "Low Mach number limit on perforated domains for the evolutionary Navier–Stokes–Fourier system", Nonlinearity 37, 065008, 2024;
  • E. Berchio, D. Bonheure, G.P. Galdi, F. Gazzola, S. Perotto, "Equilibrium Configurations of a Symmetric Body Immersed in a Stationary Navier–Stokes Flow in a Planar Channel", SIAM J. Math. Anal. 56, 3759-3801, 2024;
  • E. Berchio, A. Falocchi, C. Patriarca, "On the long-time behaviour of solutions to unforced evolution Navier–Stokes equations under Navier boundary conditions", Nonlinear Anal. RWA 79, 104102, 2024;
  • G. Bevilacqua, A. Giorgini, "Global Solutions for Two-Phase Complex Fluids with Quadratic Anchoring in Soft Matter Physics", SIAM J. Math. Anal. 56, 6057-6120, 2024;
  • D. Bonheure, G.P. Galdi, F. Gazzola, "Stability of equilibria and bifurcations for a fluid-solid interaction problem", J. Differential Equations 408, 324-367, 2024;
  • A. Falocchi, F. Gazzola, “The Kernel of the Strain Tensor for Solenoidal Vector Fields with Homogeneous Normal Trace", in H. Beirão da Veiga, F. Minhós, N. Van Goethem, L. Sanchez Rodrigues (eds.), Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences 7, Springer, 2024;
  • R. Feola, F. Giuliani, F. Iandoli, J.E. Massetti, "Local well posedness for a system of quasilinear PDEs modelling suspension bridges", Nonlinear Anal. 240, 113442, 2024;
  • M. Garrione, E. Pastorino, "Long-Time Behaviour for Solutions of Systems of PDEs Modelling Suspension Bridges", in H. Beirão da Veiga, F. Minhós, N. Van Goethem, L. Sanchez Rodrigues (eds.), Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences 7, Springer, 2024;
  • F. Gazzola, V. Pata, C. Patriarca, "Attractors for a fluid-structure interaction problem in a time-dependent phase space", J. Funct. Anal. 286, 110199, 2024;
  • A. Giorgini, "On the separation property and the global attractor for the nonlocal Cahn-Hilliard equation in three dimensions", J. Evol. Equ. 24, 21, 2024;
  • V. Racic, F. Gazzola, "Model of coordinated crowd dynamics", J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2647, 252015 (2024).
  • E. Bocchi, F. Gazzola, "Asymmetric equilibrium configurations of a body immersed in a 2D laminar flow", Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 74, 180, 2023;
  • M.o de Miranda, M.a de Miranda, A. Falocchi, A. Ferrero, L. Marinini, "Elasticity solution for a hollow cylinder under axial end loads: Application to a blister of a stayed bridge", Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 103, e202300169, 2023;
  • A. Giorgini, A. Ndongmo Ngana, T. Tachim Medjo, R. Temam, "Existence and regularity of strong solutions to a nonhomogeneous Kelvin-Voigt-Cahn-Hilliard system", J. Differential Equations 372, 612-656, 2023;
  • G. Sperone, “Homogenization of the steady-state Navier Stokes equations with prescribed flux rate or pressure drop in a perforated pipe”, J. Differential Equations 375, 653-681, 2023.