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14 Mag 2018 - 16 Mag 2018

Meeting on Tomography and Applications Discrete Tomography and Image Reconstruction

Researches based on Tomography touch on problems related to areas of pure mathematics as well as to applications. The contact point can be identified with image reconstruction by means of X-rays. The usual related topics base, on one side on improvements of reconstruction algorithms, on the other side on providing new uniqueness reconstruction models under suitable assumptions. Properties and results coming from the various scenarios often overlap, even if different tools and strategies are employed in different areas.

The aim of the Meeting is to share interdisciplinary aspects between the experimental research concerning X-ray tomography and the mathematical image reconstruction community.
Paolo Dulio - Politecnico di Milano Carla Peri - Universita' Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Silvia Maria Pagani - Politecnico di Milano Andrea Frosini - Universita' degli studi Firenze Paolo Finotelli - Politecnico di Milano
Sala Consiglio - piano 7° - edificio 14