09 Mag 2018 - 10 Mag 2018
Sezione di Finanza Quantitativa
From Blockchain&Bitcoin to Distributed Ledger Technologies, Smart Contracts and Cryptocurrencies in Finance
Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT), Smart Contracts and Cryptocurrencies are attracting a lot of attention from the finance community. The incipit was the blockchain&bitcoin phenomenon but then the DLT technologies and Smart Contracts became a hot topic per se for the potentialities in the financial intermediation, payment system and trading/post-trading industry, cryptocurrencies became an investment class.
The conference proposes a self-contained journey on these topics. First of all, it provides a tutorial for people who want to know more about DLT and smart contracts starting from zero. Then the three sessions cover different topics: technical issues related to the potentialities of these technologies and tools (governance, smart contracts models, oracles role, voting systems); a deep dive on the economics and finance of DLT and smart contracts (game theoretic issues, investment, modeling of cryptocurrencies, digital cash, ICO market); a look at the applications to financial markets going beyond proofs of concept (trading and post trading industry, law issues, disintermediation).
The conference proposes a self-contained journey on these topics. First of all, it provides a tutorial for people who want to know more about DLT and smart contracts starting from zero. Then the three sessions cover different topics: technical issues related to the potentialities of these technologies and tools (governance, smart contracts models, oracles role, voting systems); a deep dive on the economics and finance of DLT and smart contracts (game theoretic issues, investment, modeling of cryptocurrencies, digital cash, ICO market); a look at the applications to financial markets going beyond proofs of concept (trading and post trading industry, law issues, disintermediation).
Scientific committee: Emilio Barucci, Francesco Bruschi, Paolo Giudici, Daniele Marazzina
Organizing committee: Emilio Barucci, Daniele Marazzina, Anna Rho
Dipartimento di Matematica