5 Aprile, 2004 17:00
Seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano
On Highly Dispersive Partial Differential Equations
Peter Markowich, Universität Wien (Vienna, Austria)
Dipartimento di Matematica - Politecnico di Milano - Via Bonardi 9 - Milano - Aula Seminari VI piano
Partial differential equations with highly oscillatory solutions occur in many areas of science like quantum mechanics and acoustics, with important spin-offs to semiconductors, nanotechnology and low-temperature physics. These equations pose a great challenge to mathematical and numerical analysis. Recently a new mathematical technique has been developed to treat highly oscillatory PDEs, namely Wigner transforms. They allow deep new insights into high-frequency asymptotics. The state-of-the-art is reported in the lecture, with emphasis on applications in BoseEinstein condensation.