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28 Settembre, 2009 12:30
MOX Seminar

Anisotropic mesh adaptation: from continuous models to practical mesh generation. Applications in Computational Fluid dynamics (CFD)

Adrien Loseille, Computational and Data Sciences Center for computational fluid dynamics George Mason University
Aula Seminari F. Saleri VI Piano MOX- Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Milano

This talk addresses classical issues that arise when applying anisotropic mesh adaptation
to real-life 3D problems as the loss of anisotropy or the necessity to truncate the minimal size when discontinuities are present in the solution. These problematics are due to the complex interaction between the components involved in the adaptive loop: the flow solver, the error estimate and the mesh generator.
A solution based on a new continuous mesh framework is proposed to overcome these issues.
We show that using this strategy allows an optimal level of anisotropy to be reached and thus enjoy the full benefit of unstructured anisotropic mesh adaptation: optimal distribution of the degrees of freedom, improvement of the ratio accuracy with respect to cpu time, ...
Some simple strategies to effectively generate an anisotropic mesh will be also given.
One application will concern the generation of boundary layers grids within an anisotropic
adaptive process.

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Seminari Matematici
a Milano e dintorni