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21 Settembre, 2009 17:30
Seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano

Asymptotic analysis in thermodynamics of viscous fluids

Eduard Feireisl, Mathematical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences
Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Milano, Aula Consiglio VII piano

We discuss some recent results in the mathematical theory of complex fluid systems, in particular, the concept of weak solution and its relevance to a proper formulation of balance laws in fluid mechanics.
A rigorous asymptotic analysis of these systems is developed and several model problems discussed.
In particular, the following topics will be addressed in detail:

functional analytic framework and the basic ideas of the mathematical theory of continuum fluid mechanics;

thermodynamic stability and equilibrium states, behavior of energetically insulated systems for large time;

low Mach number limits and propagation of acoustic waves in thermally conducting viscous fluids.

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Seminari Matematici
a Milano e dintorni