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13 Giugno, 2005 14:30
MOX Seminar

High-Order Element-based Galerkin Methods for Geophysical Fluid Dynamics

Francis X. Giraldo, Naval Research Laboratory, Monterey
Aula Seminari MOX - 6° piano dip. di matematica

Seminario congiunto del Dipartimento di Matematica
dell'Universita' degli Studi di Milano Statale
e del MOX-Dipartimento di Matematica del Politecnico
di Milano

For the past thirty years global atmospheric models (hydrostatic primitive
equations) have been based on global methods such as spherical harmonics
(SH). Because the current trend in high-performance computing has moved
towards clustered systems having tens of thousands of processors it is
anticipated that SH will meet their doom due because they may notbe able to take full advantage of such large processor-count systems.
In addition, with the ever increasing computing power it will soon be
possible to run global atmospheric models at sufficiently high resolution
such that the hydrostatic approximation breaks down. At this resolution
the models then need to use the non-hydrostatic equations (i.e., the
Euler equations). This then means that the global and regional models can
be unified into one model. To properly handle fine-scale regions such as
hurricanes, the GFD models then need to be much more similar to CFD models
than in the past. For example, constructing not just globally but also
locally conservative methods becomes important.
In this talk we discuss the types of spatial discretization methods being
developed and implemented for the purposes of constructing: global
hydrostatic atmospheric models, regional non-hydrostatic atmospheric
models, and coastal ocean models.While the role of time-integrators should also be discussed, in this talk
we shall concentrate specifically on spatial discretization methods such
as spectral element and discontinuous Galerkin methods based on both
quadrilaterals and triangles.

NOTA: Il dr. Giraldo sara' ospite del Dipartimento di Matematica
dell'Universita' degli Studi di Milano Statale
e del MOX-Dipartimento di Matematica del Politecnico
di Milano per tutta la settimana dal 13 al 17 giugno.
Chi fosse interessato ad incontrarlo puo` rivolgersi
al prof. L.Pavarino o al dr. L.Bonaventura.

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Seminari Matematici
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