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Paolo Piovano
Professore Associato
Sede Milano Leonardo, Edificio 14
3° piano, studio 308
   Telefono: +39 02 2399 4506
  • Short CV:

    I received my Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences from Carnegie Mellon University, USA in June 2012 under the supervision of Irene Fonseca and Giovanni Leoni. After a postdoctoral position of one year under the mentorship of Ulisse Stefanelli at the National Research Council of Italy (IMATI-CNR) in Pavia, Italy, I became Universitätsassistent in his research group on Applied Mathematics and Modeling at the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna, Austria. In September 2017 following the award of some research grants as Principal Investigator, I became Group Leader of the research group on Variational Methods and Applications in the same faculty. In November 2019 I completed my Habilitation (Venia Docendi) at the University of Vienna and in June 2020 I obtained the Italian national habilitation, namely the “abilitazione scientifica nazionale a professore seconda fascia - sett. conc. 01/ A3”. From November 2020 till April 2021 I had been Visiting Professor and Excellence Chair at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) in Japan. In January 2021 I was nominated Secretary and Treasurer of the The International Society for the Interaction of Mechanics and Mathematics (ISIMM). Since May 2021 I am Tenure-Track Assistant Professor (Ricercatore TD-B "Senior") at the Department of Mathematics of the Polytechnic University of Milan. Concomitantly I was granted the status of Senior Research fellow at the University of Vienna and since July 2021 I am also external collaborator at the Wolfgang Pauli Institute in Vienna.

  • Research Interests:

    My research area is the calculus of variations, mathematical modeling, and PDEs, and my research program involves the investigation of continuum and molecular mechanics models that find applications in materials science and more recently in medical sciences. The focus is on free boundary problems and atomistic models motivated by applications in the study of the epitaxial growth of thin films, the optimal shapes of crystal interfaces, and the stability of molecular structures. The methodology includes configurational energy minimization, isoperimetric characterization, Gamma-convergence, the minimizing-movement method, the discrete-to-continuum passage.

  •  Approved external assignment at Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI)
    As PI of the project on "Mathematical Modeling of BOne engineering" (MAMBOing) granted by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) in the framework of the 1000 Ideas Programme
  •  Research group at the University of Vienna - Wolfgang Pauli Institute, Vienna (Austria)
    Group name: Variational Methods and Applications
  •  New event: ESI Workshop in Vienna!
    Workshop on "Free Boundary Problems and Related Evolution Equations" at Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna on February 21-25, 2022
  • Informazioni sugli incarichi di insegnamento e le pubblicazioni si possono trovare al seguente link

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