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22 Apr 2010 - 23 Apr 2010

Meeting on Discrete and Geometric Tomography, and Applications to Computer Algorithms

This two-days meeting is the fourth Workshop on Tomography and Applications organized at the Mathematics Department of Politecnico. The first three editions focused on connections and overlaps among Discrete, Geometric and Computerized Tomography, with a view on applications in the different areas where Image Reconstruction is usually involved (see also www.mate.polimi.it/tair/). The current Meeting also provides an overview on Computer Algorithms and recent progress in Discrete Tomography.
Paolo Dulio (Politecnico-Milano), Carla Peri (Universita Cattolica-Milano), Marco Longinetti (Universita -Firenze), Alessandra Cherubini (Politecnico-Milano), Giuseppe Baselli (Politecnico-Milano)
Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Milano