28 Set 2009 - 30 Set 2009
The 11th Italian Conference of Theoretical Computer Science
The 11th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (ICTCS 09) is the conference of the Italian Chapter of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science.
ICTCS 09 aims at being a forum of exchange of ideas and at also providing an environment for junior researchers to gain experience in presenting their work, to broaden their outlook on the subject, and to benefit from contact with established researchers.
Computer scientists from outside Italy are welcome.
ICTCS 09 aims at being a forum of exchange of ideas and at also providing an environment for junior researchers to gain experience in presenting their work, to broaden their outlook on the subject, and to benefit from contact with established researchers.
Computer scientists from outside Italy are welcome.
Alessandra Cherubini (Politecnico di Milano)
Mario Coppo (Università di Torino)
Giuseppe Persiano (Università di Salerno)
Sede di Cremona del Politecnico di Milano