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25 Nov 2024 - 26 Nov 2024
Sezione di Logica e Filosofia della Scienza

Analogies in Physics and Beyond

Analogies in physics and beyond will examine the circulation of models within and across the sciences. Leading contemporary epistemologists will analyze the process of exchanging scientific knowledge from one field to another, detailing the challenges that often stand in the way of such transfers, as well as the opportunities that emerge from current research. The overarching aim is to dig deeper into the creative side of scientific thinking while tackling the philosophical questions that successful exchanges raise. The first day of the conference will be devoted to case studies in contemporary physics, with talks on symmetry-breaking, quantum mechanics and black hole thermodynamics. The second day will move past physics to discuss relevant examples of analogies in biology, economics, robotics and AI. For its theme and ambition, the conference aims to be useful not only to specialists in epistemology but also to science practitioners and educators interested in the cognitive and social foundations of scientific research.

Image source: CERN
Antoine Brandelet, Annapaola Ginammi, Francesco Nappo, e Giovanni Valente
Sala Consiglio VII piano, Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Milano