27 Mag 2024 - 31 Mag 2024
Sezione di Analisi per il Dipartimento di Eccellenza (interazioni fluido-strutture)
Wave Dynamics and Fluid-Structure Interactions

The school will be based on scientific topics such as the Navier-Stokes and Euler equations, turbulence, fluid-structure interactions, water waves, normal forms and KAM for PDEs, dispersive PDEs. Putting together experts in these fields should give a somehow global overview on the main current research lines on fluids. This school is supposed to attract the interest of young and experienced researchers and stimulate collaborations and discussions.
Maurizio Garrione e Filippo Gazzola (Politecnico di Milano), Riccardo Montalto (Università degli Studi di Milano)
Villa del Grumello, Como