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04 Lug 2024 - 05 Lug 2024
MOX Events

HPCSIM - Frontiers of High-Performance Computing in Modeling and Simulation

The second edition of the HPCSIM Workshop—Frontiers of High-Performance Computing in Modeling and Simulation—will take place at Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, from July 4 to 5, 2024.

It aims to gather experts on the most recent and effective methodologies for accelerating simulation software on massively parallel platforms. With the contributions of three keynote speakers and fifteen invited speakers, the workshop will provide researchers and practitioners with a survey of HPC's potentiality in a wide range of real-world applications.

Registration is free of charge but mandatory at the workshop web site www.mate.polimi.it/events/HPCSIM24/

The initiative is co-organized by the MOX Laboratory with M3E SrL and supported by ICSC - National Center in High-Performance Computing, Big Data, and Quantum Computing, European Union – NextGenerationEU and the MUR project, Department of Excellence 2023-27 of the Department of Mathematics of Politecnico di Milano. We gratefully acknowledge the sponsorship by Eni SpA (www.eni.com), E4 Computer Engineering ( www.e4company.com/), NVIDIA (www.nvidia.com/en-us/) (platinum sponsors), and CFD FEA SERVICE (cfdfeaservice.it/) (gold sponsor).

Scientific and Organizing Committee Luca Formaggia, Paolo Cremonesi, Carlo de Falco, Ivan Fumagalli, Ilario Mazzieri, Nicola Parolini (Politecnico di Milano), Carlo Janna, Andrea Franceschini (Università di Padova), Nicolò Spiezia (M3E)
Politecnico di Milano, Leonardo Campus - Aula Rogers