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21 Lug 2021 - 23 Lug 2021
Sezione di Analisi

PDEs and Continuum Mechanics

The Workshop aims at presenting an up-to-date view of the broad research field of nonlinear PDEs and continuum mechanics with an attention to modelling and analysis of fluid-dynamics, elasticity, complex materials.
The emergence of scale structures driven by nonlinearities constitutes a major challenge to the understanding of continuum physics deeply founded in the PDEs framework.

The conference room at villa Toeplitz has been recently endowed with new facilities which allow
live streaming with a control room on site and with the possibility of hosting participants from
remote. Participants connected via Zoom or Teams platforms will have a virtual seat standing on a tablet in the between of real seats of people in presence. This in the hope of reproducing the
stimulating atmosphere of a traditional conference in which the attention is captured by the virtual presence in the room among other colleagues. This opportunity is not intended to substitute the traditional presence which we strongly recommend.

Selected young participants in person will be offered free accommodation.
Posters will be also posted on the RISM web page.
Please find below the link to the event with further information and the registration form which we kindly ask you to submit as soon as possible for logistic reasons. Also for people participating from remote, registration will give privileged access to the conference room.


Daniele Cassani, Giuseppe Maria Coclite, Franco Tomarelli
Riemann International School of Mathematics at Villa Toeplitz - Varese