31 Ago 2015 - 04 Set 2015
Sezione di Probabilità Quantistica
Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Physics 2015: The Biological Challenge
Physics and Biology are currently inspiring an important progress in Stochastic Analysis research. Biologists approach Physics looking for hints to predict the behavior of living matter. Indeed, nowadays we live a dramatic increase in interdisciplinary research in the scientific community. A disclosing of sciences, crossing different fields in view of understanding life science, marks our time.
The international conference Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Physics 2015 (SAMP 2015) is aimed at producing an interaction between physicists, mathematicians and biologists, primarily motivated by the description of open biological problems. Traditionally, the SAMP series of meetings has counted with the participation of mathematicians and physicists since its very beginning in 1996. This time, the conference will consider as usual specific sessions on Quantum Information, Mathematical Physics (Spectral Methods and Open Systems) as well as interdisciplinary talks on the new field of Biostochastics (covering mainly applications to Neurosciences and Ecology).
The international conference Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Physics 2015 (SAMP 2015) is aimed at producing an interaction between physicists, mathematicians and biologists, primarily motivated by the description of open biological problems. Traditionally, the SAMP series of meetings has counted with the participation of mathematicians and physicists since its very beginning in 1996. This time, the conference will consider as usual specific sessions on Quantum Information, Mathematical Physics (Spectral Methods and Open Systems) as well as interdisciplinary talks on the new field of Biostochastics (covering mainly applications to Neurosciences and Ecology).
Organizing Committee
Chair: Rolando Rebolledo (Universidad Católica de Chile, Facultades de Ingeniería y Matemáticas, Centro de Análisis Estocástico ANESTOC)
Claudio Fernández (Universidad Católica de Chile, Facultad de Matemáticas, Centro de Análisi
Pucón, Chile