21 Mar 2016 - 23 Mar 2016
Meeting on Tomography and Applications, Discrete Tomography and Image Reconstruction
This is the 10th edition of an appointment concerning Tomography and Applications organized at the Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Milano. The aim of the Meeting is to share interdisciplinary aspects between the experimental research concerning X-ray tomography and the mathematical image reconstruction community. The meeting is included in the events organised under the
COST Action MP1207 (www.cost.eu/domains_actions/mpns/Actions/MP1207).
COST Action MP1207 (www.cost.eu/domains_actions/mpns/Actions/MP1207).
Paolo Dulio - Politecnico di Milano
Carla Peri - Universita' Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Silvia Maria Pagani - Politecnico di Milano
Andrea Frosini - Universita' degli studi Firenze
Dipartimento di Matematica, Edificio 14 ‘La Nave’, settimo piano, Sala Consiglio