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23 Giu 2014 - 27 Giu 2014
Sezione di Analisi

Noncommutative Analysis, Operator Theory, and Applications 2014

This international conference is organized with pedagogical and research aims. It will be devoted to several aspects of the current research activity in operator theory, operator algebras and applications in various areas of mathematics and mathematical physics. Its purpose is to bring together specialists from several fields including Global Analysis, Schur analysis, (Hyper)Complex Analysis, C*-algebras, Noncommutative Geometry, Operator algebras, Operator theory and their applications. The topics covered, though in different areas, are all intertwined between them and have several applications which will be addressed in the Conference.
A special attention will be paid to young speakers and participants: one of the main goals will be to create an appropriate environment in which PhD students,
PostDoc students and junior researchers may find the opportunity to meet and discuss with first rate senior researchers.
F. Cipriani, F. Colombo, I. Sabadini
Sala Consiglio - Dipartimento di Matematica