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24 Ott 2013
MOX Events

Synthesis of nano-biomaterials, modelling, and applications

Nanomedicine is the field that is expected, in the near future, to deliver radical changes in the way we diagnose and treat diseases. The aim of the CEN Foundation is to develop innovative solutions for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, establishing in the Lombardy region an internationally recognised centre of excellence in nanomedical research and building a truly interdisciplinary and synergic network among its partners; its focus in the first phase of activity is on cancer, cardiovascular and neurological diseases.
With this event the Politecnico di Milano welcomes the new group leaders recruited through the CEN Foundation’s start-up packages program and establishes itself at the forefront of the discipline.
The event will be held in English. Participation is free.
CEN Foundation
Aula Rogers - Campus Leonardo - Via Ampère, 2 - Milano