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17 Dic 2012 - 19 Dic 2012
Sezione di Analisi

Noncommutative Geometry and Applications to Physics

Noncommutative Geometry, created by Alain Connes from the middle 1970 s, studies a new class of spaces whose algebra of coordinates functions is non necessarily commutative. Evidences of these phenomena date back to the origins of Quantum Mechanics where certain pairs of observables, like position and momentum or energy and time, do
not commute. Other instances of singular spaces include Clfford algebras in Riemannian
Geometry, leave space of ergodic foliations, orbit spaces of ergodic dynamical systems,
group convolution algebras, momentum space of electrons in quasi-crystals and fractals.
Other fields which necessitate an approach based on the analysis of natural noncommutative algebras are Number theory, Quantum Field theory.

The workshop is intended to be a concentrate occasion to exchange recent results and ideas about the themes on the french-italian GDRE collaboration GREFI-GENCO on Noncommutative Geometry and Applications to Physics.
It will bring together world specialists from various areas of Noncommutative Geometry
such as K-theory, Index theory, Harmonic Analysis, Quantum Groups, Subfactors theory,
Ergodic theory, Operator Algebras, Quantum Field theory and Potential theory.
F. Cipriani
Aula Consiglio 7° piano Dipartimento di Matematica, Edificio La Nave, Politecnico di MIlano