21 Giu 2002
MOX Events
Anisotropic Grids: Generation, Adaption and Error Estimation
- Mesh generation algorithms for anisotropic problems (e.g., boundary layer meshing)
- Mesh adaption algorithms for tracking anisotropic solution features, such as shock waves, wakes, etc.
- error estimation procedures that can effectively drive anisotropic mesh adaption schemes
- applications and industrial problems involving anisotropic solution features.
- Mesh adaption algorithms for tracking anisotropic solution features, such as shock waves, wakes, etc.
- error estimation procedures that can effectively drive anisotropic mesh adaption schemes
- applications and industrial problems involving anisotropic solution features.
Carlo L. Bottasso, Dip. di Ing. Aerospaziale, Stefano Micheletti, Simona Perotto, Riccardo Sacco, MOX, Politecnico di Milano
Aula seminari MOX