1 Ottobre, 2004 15:00
Seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano
The many facets of foam
Dennis Weaire, Trinity College (Dublino, Irlanda)
Dipartimento di Matematica - Politecnico di Milano - Via Bonardi 9 - Milano - Aula Consiglio (VII piano)
"Foams present a fascinating variety of interdisciplinary challenges to our understanding, from the mathematics of minimal surfaces to the behaviour of the head on a pint of beer. We will discuss recent research, which is moving from questions of static structure to more dynamical effects, in essence ""the fluid dynamics of foams"". We will go back in history to Kelvin and Plateau (and beyond), and also forward to 2008 when the Beijing Olympics will feature an astonishing manifestation of the theory of foams..."