8 Luglio, 2009 11:00
MOX Seminar
A mathematical model for bioremediation processes of polluted soils.
Antonio Fasano, Universita di Firenze
Aula Seminari F. Saleri VI Piano Mox - Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Milano
Bioremediation of soils exploits selected species of bacteria able to metabolize a specific pollutant (typically a hydrocarbon). Bacteria are injected and proliferate creating a biofilm over the soil scheleton where they feed on the pollutant. We consider in particular the case in which bacteria are transported by an unsaturated flow, which, despite its importance, has not been treated extensively in the literature. The mathematical problem consists of a system of coupled nonlinear partial differential equations for which an existence theorem is proved using a technique of nested fixed points.