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26 Marzo, 2009 16:30
Sezione di Geometria, Algebra e loro applicazioni

Solving some instances of the two color problem.

Stefano Brocchi, Universita di Firenze
Dipartimento di Matematica, Sala Consiglio, VII piano

The two color problem is an open problem in the field of discrete tomography, and it consists in determining a matrix, whose elements are of three different types, starting from its horizontal and vertical projections. It is known that the one color problem has a polynomial time reconstruction algorithm, while, with k > 2, the k-color problem is NP-complete. Thus, the two color problem constitutes an interesting example of a problem in the frontier between hard and easy problems.

In this talk we describe a linear time algorithm to solve a set of its instances, where some values of the horizontal and vertical projections are constant, while the others are upper bounded by a positive number proportional to dimension of the problem. Our algorithm relies on classical studies for the solution of the one color problem.

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