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13 Dicembre, 2007 16:15
MOX Seminar

Numerical simulation of the electrocardiogram: from cell to body surface potentials

dr. Miguel A. Fernadez, INRIA, REO team
Aula seminari MOX VI Piano

In this talk we consider a 3D-based numerical simulation of the electrocardiographic (ECG) signals.
After describing the modeling assumptions at each scale: from cell to organ, we will address the issue of coupling the electrical activity of the heart with the surronding tissue. The mathematical well-posedness of the resulting coupled heart-torso problem will also be considered.
Finally, the obtained numerical ECG's will be used in order to asses the relevance of some modeling assumptions, for instance, cell heterogeneity, heart anisotropy and the heart-torso coupling conditions.

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Seminari Matematici
a Milano e dintorni