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5 Maggio, 2003 11:00
MOX Seminar

3D Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Recent Activities at the VIPS Laboratories

Vittorio Murino, Dip. di Informatica - Univ. degli Studi di Verona
Aula Seminari MOX - 6° piano - Dip. Matematica

In this talk, a general overview of the activities carried out at the
Vision, Image Processing and Sound (VIPS) laboratory (Department of
Computer Science, University of Verona, Italy), and the main research
projects in which it is involved will be described.

The laboratory is involved in a broad spectrum of activities, mainly in
the areas of Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Human-Computer

In particular, the talk will focus on the following research topics:

- 3D Computer Vision: 3D data registration and reconstruction, mosaicing,
view synthesis, augmented reality.

- Pattern Recognition: object detection and classification in remote
sensing images, Hidden Markov models for classification and
videosurveillance applications, face recognition.

Depending on the audience interest and the available time, some issues
can be more detailed.

In particular, the lab is working from long time on methods for the
automatic environment reconstruction from multiple 3D images, and in
exploring Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) for 2D shape classification, and
background detection.

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