On the bulk-edge correspondence for (interacting) fermion systems
I will first show that for general 2d random ergodic magnetic Schrödinger operators the bulk magnetization equals the total edge current at any temperature. The equality between the bulk and edge quantum transport indices can be then obtained as a corollary of our purely analytical argument by imposing a gap condition and by taking a "zero temperature" limit. After that, I will briefly show how to extend the equality of bulk magnetization and total edge current to lattice fermion systems with short-range interactions and above a certain critical temperature. The talk is based on joint works with Horia Cornean, Jonas Lampart, Stefan Teufel and Tom Wessel.
This initiative is part of the "PhD Lectures" activity of the project "Departments of Excellence 2023-2027". This activity consists of seminars open to Ph.D. students, followed by meetings with the speaker to discuss and go into detail on the topics presented at the talk.