21 Giugno, 2023 14:30
Sezione di Probabilità e Statistica Matematica
No blow-up by nonlinear It\^o noise for the Euler equations.
Mario Maurelli, Università di Pisa
Aula Seminari III piano / polimi-it.zoom.us/j/95561910050?pwd=amJISEdSRnAxcW9pOU53ZDREaEZadz09
We consider the incompressible Euler equations in two or three dimensions and we show that the addition of a suitable multiplicative It\^o noise with superlinear growth prevents a smooth solution from blowing up in finite time. The result is valid for a more general hyperbolic-type SPDE. The proof is based on the Lyapunov function method.
Joint work with Marco Bagnara and Fanhui Xu.