Clustering for rotation-valued functional data
This talk is motivated by the strong case study of monitoring gait for early detection of gait impairment in patients diagnosed with gait-affecting disorders. To this effect, we record the rotation of the hip over time. This leads to data with a great complexity that makes any kind of statistical analysis non-trivial. In effect, we collect functional data that evaluates on the Lie group of three-dimensional rotations which is a non-Euclidean space. In this work, we develop sound statistical methods to enable joint clustering and alignment of such functional data by borrowing ideas from the existing k-means alignment approach. In the process, we will describe in great length the R package fdacluster, which is an extension of the R package fdakma that provides a fast C++ based implementation of the k-mean alignment algorithm from Sangalli et al. (2010) as well as hierarchical clustering for functional data and tools that help choosing the number of clusters.
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