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21 Ottobre, 2022 10:15
MOX Seminar

Earthquakes, lab-quakes, and a seismology perspective on bursty human dynamics

Alberto Lovison, Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Milano
Aula Saleri - MOX - Dipartimento di Matematica

It has been shown in recent years that there are deep analogies between some well-known
statistical properties of earthquakes (km-scale phenomena), such as the Gutenberg-Richter, the
Omori, and the productivity laws, and the avalanche statistics observed in fracture and plasticity in
materials science (”lab-quakes”, mm- and micron- scale phenomena). Similar statistical regularities
have also been observed in the bursty behavior of financial markets. I will report on current work
which extends this perspective also to the analysis of bursty human dynamics, specifically of long-
term written communication (email) data. In these, we observe scaling regularities strikingly similar
to the above-mentioned ones in earthquakes and lab-quakes, a possible indication of universal
features exhibited by the dynamics of complex systems heterogeneous in space and time.

Contatto: anna.scotti@polimi.it

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Seminari Matematici
a Milano e dintorni