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22 Luglio, 2022 10:00
MOX Seminar

My life in manifolds

James O. Ramsay, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Live: Aula Saleri, MOX - Dipartimento di Matematica - Politecnico di Milano
Online: mox.polimi.it/mox-seminars/?id_evento=2181

The talk will contain some informal reflections on the roles manifolds have played in statistics historically, Including what I like to call the “Evil Manifold”, the “Casino Manifold” and the "Surprisal Manifold.” I will also alert us to some exciting developments in recent years on optimization over manifolds, including over linear finite element surfaces. It will be argued that we have hardly begun to escape “Decartes/Hilbert Box”, and that exciting times are just around the corner.

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Seminari Matematici
a Milano e dintorni