7 Giugno, 2022 14:15
Sezione di Analisi
Noncommutative Geometry by example
Fabio Cipriani, Politecnico di Milano
Aula Seminari III Piano e online: polimi-it.zoom.us/j/95645334076?pwd=M1R1WmUvNno5bTduZkRZVk5RRSt0dz09
We will illustrate various examples of spaces which appear to be singular when analyzed by the classical tools of topology, measure theory, analysis and geometry, but which can be naturally approached by instruments of Noncommutative Geometry. Among them we will find instances of duals of non abelian groups, Clifford algebras of Riemannian manifolds, leafs space of foliations, orbit spaces of dynamical systems, orbifolds, spaces of observables and states in Quantum Mechanics, quasi-crystals, quantum information channels and quantum groups.