Two modes approximation for bosons in a double well potential
We study the mean-field limit for the ground state of a gas of bosonic particles in a double-well potential, jointly with the limit of large inter-well separation/large potential energy barrier. Two one-body wave-functions are then macroscopically occupied, one for each well. The physics in this two-modes subspace is usually described by a Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian, yielding in particular the transition from an uncorrelated "superfluid" state (each particle lives in both potential wells) to a correlated "insulating" state (half of the particles live in each potential well).
Through precise energy expansions we prove that the variance of the number of particles within each well is suppressed (violation of the central limit theorem), a signature of a correlated ground state.
Quantum fluctuations around the two-modes description are particularly relevant, for they give energy contributions of the same order as the energy difference due to suppressed variances in the two-modes subspace. We describe them in terms of two independent Bogoliubov Hamiltonians, one for each potential well.
Joint work with Alessandro Olgiati and Dominique Spehner.