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27 Aprile, 2021 11:15 in punto
Sezione di Analisi

Existence and uniqueness result for a fluid-structure-interaction evolution problem in an unbounded 2D channel

Clara Patriarca, Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico Milano

In an unbounded 2D channel, we consider the vertical displacement of a rectangular obstacle in a regime of small flux for the incoming flow field, modelling the interaction between the cross-section of the deck of a suspension bridge and the wind. We prove an existence and uniqueness result for a fluid-structure-interaction evolution problem set in this channel, where at infinity the velocity field of the fluid has a Poiseuille flow profile. We introduce a suitable definition of weak solutions and we make use of a penalty method. In order to prevent collisions of the obstacle with the boundary of the channel, we introduce a strong force in the differential equation governing the motion of the rigid body and we find a unique global-in-time solution.

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Seminari Matematici
a Milano e dintorni