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19 Giugno, 2019 15:15
Sezione di Analisi

Pure Traction Problems between Linear and Finite Elasticity

Franco Tomarelli, Politecnico di Milano
Aula seminari 3° piano

A limit elastic energy for pure traction problem is derived from re-scaled nonlinear energies of a hyperelastic material body subject to an equilibrated force field.
We show that the strains of minimizing sequences associated to re-scaled nonlinear energies weakly converge, up to subsequences, to the strains of minimizers of a limit energy, provided an additional compatibility condition is fulfilled by the force field. The limit energy functional exhibits a gap that makes it different from the classical linear elasticity functional; nevertheless the compatibility condition entails the coincidence of related minima and minimizers. A strong violation of this condition provides a limit energy which is unbounded
from below, while a mild violation may produce unboundedness of strains and a limit energy which has infinitely many extra minimizers which are not minimizers of standard linear elastic energy. A consequence of this analysis is that a rigorous validation of linear elasticity fails for compressive force fields that infringe such compatibility condition.

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Seminari Matematici
a Milano e dintorni