Quantum-mechanical simulation of nanoscale MOSFET s
Quantum-mechanical (QM) simulation of aggressively
scaled MOSFET s has become a compelling issue for
sub-0.1 um channel lengths, where semiclassical approaches
are expected to become highly unreliable. In these
conditions, even 1D and quasi-2D QM models become
questionable and a fully 2D treatment of QM effects
is required. In this talk I will discuss the role played
by QM effects in deep sub-micron MOSFET s simulations,
presenting results obtained with a highly-effective fully
2D self-consistent QM model. The numerical details and the
computational issues of the 2D-QM model will be addressed and
discussed. Comparing classical and quantum results, the
quantitative impact of QM effects in very short channel
devices will be investigated, forecasting the sub-50 nm
MOSFET s performances.