Extending the scalability of FETI-DP: From exact to inexact algorithms
Dual-primal FETI methods are among the most severely tested domain decomposition
methods for the solution of partial differential equations. With the advent of massively parallel computers with up to 100,000 processors new concepts are necessary to maintain the good scalability of these iterative methods. In this talk, a framework for the algorithmic design of
dual-primal FETI methods will be discussed focusing on the construction of scalable domain decomposition methods on massively parallel machines; preliminary numerical results will also be presented.
This work is based on joint work with Oliver Rheinbach, Essen.
¤Department of Mathematics, University of Duisburg-Essen, Universit¨atsstr. 3, D-
45117 Essen, Germany. E-mail: axel.klawonn@uni-due.de