NEWSLETTER July 17, 2024
Dear students, colleagues, partners and friends of the Department of Mathematics, it is my great pleasure to introduce our first newsletter.

This newsletter arose from the idea of opening a direct way of communication to keep you informed on the various initiatives of our Department which concur to make it a center of excellence in research, teaching and innovation.

The Newsletters contains:

• Events and Conferences: information on seminars and meetings with national and international experts.
• Research projects: update on ongoing reserach projects, results and opportunities for collaborations.
• Spotlight on: interviews and articles about students, researchers and faculty members.
The Department of Mathematics of the Polytechnic of Milan ranks 31st worldwide for Mathematics in the prestigious QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023, the world ranking of the best universities by disciplinary field, improving by a further three positions compared to last year. At a European level the Department is in eleventh position, at a national level it is confirmed, for the third time in a row, in first [...]
The Department of Mathematics of the Politecnico di Milano is one of the 11 departments belonging to Italian public universities to be funded as “Department of Excellence” in the Area 01. The ranking, published on December 28, has been established by a committee formed by 7 internationally recognized scientists that chose the projects submitted by the best departments, which were previously selected through a preliminary ranking based on the evaluation of [...]
I am Junior Assistant Professor in Numerical Analysis at the MOX (Modeling and Scientific Computing) Lab of the Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Milano. I hold a Master degree in Mathematical Engineering, with a specialization in “Computational Science and Engineering”, from Politecnico di Milano. During the MSc, I spent six months as exchange student at Sorbonne Université in Paris. This period was an invaluable experience that significantly broadened my academic and [...]
The school year has just ended. QFinLab's commitment to financial education has been very intense. The classes involved were:  - 57, lower secondary school - 262, higher secondary school The teachers were able to choose between: - flipped classroom courses (basic, intermediate, advanced) - path on cryptocurrencies - fraud path carried out in collaboration with the Bank of Italy - literacy path for primary schools. Overall, 1096 students carried out the activities within the PCTO. More information on the [...]
June 4, 2024
Gender Balance
Si è svolto ieri, 3 giugno 2024, nella sala Consiglio del nostro Dipartimento il seminario Gender Balance in Accademia: Sfide e Strategie, con interventi delle Prof.sse Claudia Manzi (Dipartimento di Psicologia dell’Università Cattolica) e Michela Menegatti (Dipartimento di Psicologia dell’Università di Bologna). Hanno introdotto il seminario la direttrice, Irene Sabadini, che ha sottolineato l’importanza che […]
on 12 June, the QFinLab and the Space Economy Observatory of Politecnico di Milano organize the workshop Technologies, data and models for the assessment and monitoring of catastrophe risk  an opportunity to reflect on the academic and insurance world experiences in the field of catastrophe risk also in light of the recent legislation on the subject.  
May 18, 2024
The experimental project PoliSTEM, promoted by the Lecco Campus of the Politecnico di Milano in collaboration with the Lecco Territorial School Office, concluded last week. Students from the second year of two Lecco schools participated in the final educational workshop titled "Math in Play," conducted by the FDS Laboratory in collaboration with the DaBLab of the University of Milan.
On May 12, we celebrate the International Day of Women in Mathematics. On this occasion, the FDS Laboratory is organizing a women-only event that will take place on May 14, 2024, from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM at the Department of Mathematics at Politecnico di Milano. Are you a female student in the third, fourth, or fifth year of high school and would you like to participate? Ask a teacher from your [...]
The 40th cycle call (2024/2025) for the admission to PhD courses has been published. The PhD program in Mathematical Models and Methods in Engineering offers 4 positions (of which 3 fully funded with scholarships). The PhD program in Data Analytics and Decision Sciences offers 1 position (fully funded with scholarship).   Deadline for admissions: 30 May 2024 (2pm) [italian time]
Andrea Manzoni has been awarded a FIS Starting Grant for his proposal on Deep Learning for the real-time approximation of partial differential equations (DREAM). Launched with a first call in 2021, the Italian Science Fund (FIS) aims at promoting the development of fundamental research on the model of ERC - the most prestigious program dedicated to basic research at the European level - supporting pioneering projects across all scientific fields. Started [...]
On Thursday, March 14, the DMAT celebrated the International Day of Mathematics with "Pi Day 2024: The Road to Zero," an online math game designed by the FDS laboratory for middle and high schools across Italy. The initiative saw broad participation from schools throughout Italy. Approximately 2,000 participating students, divided into classes, tackled environmental-themed math challenges, aiming to achieve "zero CO2 emissions." A special thanks to all the students from middle and [...]
The scientific journal Frontiers interviewed Edoardo Bocchi about the Marie Curie project THANAFSI, which analyzes the stability of suspension bridges in the wind and the impact of ocean waves on marine energy converters.
Alumni Politecnico di Milano - Interview with Paola Antonietti
We hosted numerous events, seminars and conferences (
It is my belief that sharing knowledge and experiences is a great value for the future developments. I hope you will share with us your comments, ideas and suggestions to further enhance this newsletter and to make it more interesting.

Thanks for your support.

Best wishes,

Professor Irene Maria Sabadini
Head of the Department of Mathematics
Politecnico di Milano
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